I have been fighting with trying to find a job since Luis & I have moved down here .. last year! I never realized how hard it can be and how long a process can be drug out (& sometimes for an outcome of nothing more than a waste of your time). It hasn't been an issue to where Luis and I absolutely need to have two incomes coming in, but at the same time .. we are in a marriage and I, too, need to help. I think thats why its been so frustrating for me. I want to work. I'm not lazy, I love being around people, and come on, who doesn't like receieving a pay check?
Lately it has really been bothering me though. I dont have a "social life" so to say, and I just hang out around the house with Tanner (our golden retriever) so conversations are far and few between. Sometimes I dont think Luis understands (or thinks) about it, because he gets to leave the house during the day. He gets to socialize, no matter what it may be about. When he gets home, he doesn't really want to do anything except just hang out, whereas I'm ready to go do something with him. Dont get me wrong, I enjoy relaxing together and just hanging out doing nothing but enjoying each other, but these four walls, 7 days a week, will drive a girl, or anyone for that matter, a little crazy. Not to mention that he is gone more than he is home. Whether it be for a fieldex, a mission, or an actual deployment .. hes gone. I need to get out and I need to have something to occupy my time!
Which finaly brings me to this ... I HAVE AN INTERVIEW TOMORROW!! eeeeeeekkkk!! =) I just finished figuring out what I wanted to wear and that alone I had trouble with. I didn't want to wear too much, because I dont want to come off as "I really need this job and I'm overly trying to impress you" but I didn't want to dress down and say "I dont care whether you hire me or not". During all of this, I was hit with a sudden surge of nerves. I havn't been nervous for something in a while, and almost forgot what it felt like. Its been a while before I had to sit infront of someone and have them, what feels like, judge me. I guess all I can do is just go in and be .. ME.
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